The day that we've been waiting for has arrived. The main reason for visiting China is here.
The Great Wall of China. One of the 7 wonders in the world.
That's the section that I conquered |
We depart quite early since the wall is more or less 2 hours drive from Beijing. We stopped at a few GLC shops (again) before that as well. 1st shop was the Jade Museum. It's all about jade. They told us how to differentiate which is the young jade and which is the old jade. Younger jade are lighter in colour and obviously cheaper than the old jade which are darker in colour. Us? It's too fancy for us. In the end, we bought tapioca and dirty up the bus.
Then, we were brought to the shop where they sell the stones that were said able to make the blood circulation flow smoothly than before. They tested it under a certain type of microscope or some machine an showed our own blood circulation. They also sell a lot of other medicine product such as patch medicine and ointment.
Next was the crystal shop. By this time we were already bored and can't wait to climb the wall. Max had a hard time keeping us inside the crystal shop. Apparently, we need to stay for 20 minutes minimum or he will have to pay penalty.
After lunch, we finally reached the wall. Breezy. Hence the jacket... We were given 1 hour t climb up and come back down. When we were told that, we were like "satu jam nak pi mana? kami nak naik hat paling tinggi tu.." and Max was like "paling tinggi ye? saya datang amik you all esok pagi la macam tu".
Feeling down we started going up.
1st flight of stairs. Muka steady lagi |
Reaching Tower 2. Started feeling tired. |
3rd tower. Off jacket. Started asking "berapa jauh lagi?" |
The longest flight of stairs. Had to stop a few times in between. |
Almost there.... |
Few more steps.. |
Mission accomplished! |
Going back down (n kutip rakan2 yg tertinggal tadi) |
Missed the pic at tower 1 signed while going up. Took it when coming down. |
Up and down. Completed! |
Getting my Heroes Certificate. Muka steady. Kaki ketaq tak hengat... |
The experience : You need to be really fit in order to climb up to the top. The air was thin. You are carrying a lot of weight (layers of clothing, bags, water). Drink a lot of water in between. Do it with a fit friends so that they can support you. We have Yah and Jer who are always the champion. If possible don't stop too much or too long. Keep going. You'll get there. The most important thing is jangan cakap besar. hahahha...
After climbing it up yourself than only you'll know why it is one of the wonders of the world.
Went back to Beijing. Stop over at Hard Rock Cafe. And off to zzzzzzz......
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