Where Do I Belong?
Hari ni baru sampai Malaysia dari AD. Sampai2 tu ok la. Excited jumpa mak ayah. Cerita ceriti. Pastu tido tak ingat dunia kejap. Bila bangun aku rasa mcm..............................kosong........... Rasa mcm nak balik AD semula.
Kenapa jadi macam ni ek?
Kenapa jadi macam ni ek?
Birthday Gift
Lebih kepada list of birthday gift yang diharapkan boleh dapat tahun ni.. Huuhuhu...
Takde la panjang nau list nye pun.. Kali ni, ntah kenapa, rasanya macam nak satu benda je.
Pedometer Watch
Takde la panjang nau list nye pun.. Kali ni, ntah kenapa, rasanya macam nak satu benda je.
Pedometer Watch
Ada tak orang nak hadiahkan?
Untuk pengetahuan, birthday saya 2hb Jun ye... :-p
Salam Pantai Timur
Lin and I co-hosted a Salam Pantai Timur party Last Saturday.
Saje je. Memang teringin gila nak makan nasi kerabu. Kebetulan budu banyak. Apa lagi. Jalan la.
The first challenge was to get the guest list. We manage to get it done with some hiccups. Tapi kira ok la.. Hopefully takde yang kecik2 ati ke ek..
Then, the menu. Memang renyah ok nak buat nasi kerabu ni. Most of the ingredients takde kat sini.
The head chef was Wan actually. Memang sedap giller dianye nasi kerabu ok.. Terbawak dalam mimpi.
Side dishes was Laksam by Diana, Agar-agar and keropok lekor by myself, baskin robbin cakes and ice cream by Irni. Buah by Isky. Asam gula and biskut kapit by Abg Hasnul.
Byk giller makanan. Tapi the quantity I would say just nice. Tak la melebih bagai nak gila.
I enjoyed. I hope others did as well..
Saje je. Memang teringin gila nak makan nasi kerabu. Kebetulan budu banyak. Apa lagi. Jalan la.
The first challenge was to get the guest list. We manage to get it done with some hiccups. Tapi kira ok la.. Hopefully takde yang kecik2 ati ke ek..
Then, the menu. Memang renyah ok nak buat nasi kerabu ni. Most of the ingredients takde kat sini.
The head chef was Wan actually. Memang sedap giller dianye nasi kerabu ok.. Terbawak dalam mimpi.
Side dishes was Laksam by Diana, Agar-agar and keropok lekor by myself, baskin robbin cakes and ice cream by Irni. Buah by Isky. Asam gula and biskut kapit by Abg Hasnul.
Byk giller makanan. Tapi the quantity I would say just nice. Tak la melebih bagai nak gila.
I enjoyed. I hope others did as well..
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Rania has become more adorable day by day.. |
It was satisfying to see people keep on tambah and keep on tambah. Ada yang sampai 3 kali tambah.
And yes, apart from eating... there's nothing much about our life here. hahahaha....(kidding.. of course there's much more....)
Gee Tak Salam Anuar Zain
Sila perhatikan betul2. Terutama skali masa minit ke 2.25 gitu..
Dengan sopannya Fauziah Latif, Gee, memberi signal yang dia tidak mahu bersalam dengan Anuar Zain. Saya respek Gee pada ketika ini!
Sila fahami betul2. Dia tak salam Anuar Zain sebab dia tak mahu bersentuh dengan lelaki. Mungkin ini permulaan. Satu hari nanti saya percaya Gee akan bertudung. Insyallah.. Sama sama kita doakan.
My New Love
I know... I know.. How many handbags do you 'need'? That's the question my colleagues always asked me.
Well, I'm a girl... We don't buy Football Jersey... And that's the answer that will shut them off.
This is my new love. My latest addition to the handbag gala. Burberry Charcoal Shoulder Bag.
I wanted this bag for almost one year. Maybe more.. Let's check... Hmm.. Not that long la kottt.. Hehehhe...
But I've been eyeing it. Looking for it in the whole blogshop I can find. Asking for quotations. They're all saying it's gonna be at least 3200++MYR... Hmmm.. Still too much la... Even though I'm madly in love with it, tak sanggup kottt..
Sabar is the answer.
I was suppose to go to Paris when I was diagnosed Pneumonia. Was hoping to find this one there. Takde rezeki.
Sabar lagi..
Then Mubashir went to Florence. He knew I was looking for a Burberry bag. He went to The Mall and found this bag. He was describing it over the phone and asked me if I want it. I was not sure if it's 'the one', but I was like "Tak dapat yg tu pun takpe la.. lama dah puasa handbag ni". Mubashir was saying that the bag looks like you. Wow! So I said, "Go for it!"
After VAT it was 544Euro. Which means it's 2710AED. Which means 2168MYR. BEAT THAT!!!!!
Then Mubashir sent me the picture to my Gmail. I was jumping up and down once I saw it.
I treated this as my advance birthday gift for myself.
Firework Birthday
Not mine. We were celebrating our colleague's birthday. It was Sari's birthday. Shinhab and I went out to buy the cake at SeaSide Patisserie nearby my house. Hid it in the fridge. Then set it up in the meeting room. Called everybody else up to gather in the room. Then bring Sari in. Typical birthday surprise...
I had to travel on business on my birthday. I'll be in the 10 hours plane. It's for Sari's project. I told him, I want a cake with the firework candle inside the plane. Make it happen bro!
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Royal Chocolate Cake |
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Sari came in and found all of us inside |
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His surprise look |
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Shinhab lighted up the candle |
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Omer: Hey, there's a smoke detector there! |
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Sari! Quick! Blow it! |
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It's a firework candle! How to blow??!!! |
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Let's blow it together! |
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Cake cutting |
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Happy Birthday! |
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Sari handed over the task to Imad |
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Imad cut the cake |
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All of us still laughing at the firework-smoke detector thing |
I had to travel on business on my birthday. I'll be in the 10 hours plane. It's for Sari's project. I told him, I want a cake with the firework candle inside the plane. Make it happen bro!
I Saman You!
Wah.. dah macam Kak Ogy plak ekk...
Sambungan dari Kisah Winey Kena Cium sebenarnye ni...
Ari Ahad aku g ofis. Jinjing la kertas putih yang polis tu bagi. Tunjuk kat kollig aku. Dia tanya aku "What happened? Why did you hit other people's car?"
Rerupanya kat kertas tu mmg ada tulis bahawasanya aku adalah 'Mutassabbib' yang bermaksud penyebab. Dalam kes ini aku la penyebab berlakunya eksiden itu.
Ha.. tu la... dulu mak anto g skolah agama ko memain.. Skang dah menganga...
Kollig aku ni pun tepon la polis. Tanya apa kehal ni kan...
Polis kata dtg balai. Eceeewaahhh... Kali ni aku learn the lesson. So aku g dgn kolig aku.
Polis kat balai tu kata "Doesn't matter if the other guy drive in 3000kmh and hit u from the back, as long as you reverse your car, you are the mutassabbib. Even if you have been very careful looking all around you, and Allah decide for you not to see the car, it's still your fault because you were reversing the car"
Makanya... sila la bayar saman nan 300AED tu...
Sambungan dari Kisah Winey Kena Cium sebenarnye ni...
Ari Ahad aku g ofis. Jinjing la kertas putih yang polis tu bagi. Tunjuk kat kollig aku. Dia tanya aku "What happened? Why did you hit other people's car?"
Rerupanya kat kertas tu mmg ada tulis bahawasanya aku adalah 'Mutassabbib' yang bermaksud penyebab. Dalam kes ini aku la penyebab berlakunya eksiden itu.
Ha.. tu la... dulu mak anto g skolah agama ko memain.. Skang dah menganga...
Kollig aku ni pun tepon la polis. Tanya apa kehal ni kan...
Polis kata dtg balai. Eceeewaahhh... Kali ni aku learn the lesson. So aku g dgn kolig aku.
Polis kat balai tu kata "Doesn't matter if the other guy drive in 3000kmh and hit u from the back, as long as you reverse your car, you are the mutassabbib. Even if you have been very careful looking all around you, and Allah decide for you not to see the car, it's still your fault because you were reversing the car"
Makanya... sila la bayar saman nan 300AED tu...
Winey Kena Cium!!!
Kat bontot lak tu!!! Sian dia...
Actually paling kesian aku la.. Terkejut yang teramat sangat. Menggigil satu badan pasal accident tu.
Bila aku pikir2 balik, aku tak salah pun sbnrnye. And Arab tu mmg ambik kesempatan gegila la...
Lepas makan2 kat umah Kay, aku n Irni nak g tgk wayang with Osman n Shahril. Osman n Shahril dah sampai Marina Mall. Aku n Irni was looking for parking. Pastu nampak ada satu kete nak kuar. I gave indicator, pastu reverse sket sbb nak kasi kete tu kuar. Reverse sensor aku tak detect pape pun. Tetiba je Bedebum! I was like, Ya Allah.. apa dah jadi ni.
Kelam kabut punya pasal, aku turun and terus mintak maaf kat Arab tu. Arab tu pun memula macam stunned gitu. Tapi since aku dah mintak maaf dia terus "You cannot see?"
Lepas aku dah tenang sket, aku terpikir. Reverse sensor aku tak detect pape pun. Tetiba je bunyi kuat. And Arab tu pun kalau nampak aku keep on reversing nape tak hon kan.. Pastu aku terpikir, probably Arah tu datang dengan laju and tak perasan aku tgh reverse lalu menghentam kete aku. Denggg!!
Malangnya, dia Arab. And kete dia hanya ada third party insurance. So memang dia akan mati matian salahkan aku la..
Skang ni, aku tak tau aku kena saman ke tak. Polis cuma bagi aku sekeping kertas and kata "Give this to your car rental". Bila aku tanya " Do I have to pay?" dia just balas "Give to your car rental". Apakah?????
Actually paling kesian aku la.. Terkejut yang teramat sangat. Menggigil satu badan pasal accident tu.
Bila aku pikir2 balik, aku tak salah pun sbnrnye. And Arab tu mmg ambik kesempatan gegila la...
Lepas makan2 kat umah Kay, aku n Irni nak g tgk wayang with Osman n Shahril. Osman n Shahril dah sampai Marina Mall. Aku n Irni was looking for parking. Pastu nampak ada satu kete nak kuar. I gave indicator, pastu reverse sket sbb nak kasi kete tu kuar. Reverse sensor aku tak detect pape pun. Tetiba je Bedebum! I was like, Ya Allah.. apa dah jadi ni.
Kelam kabut punya pasal, aku turun and terus mintak maaf kat Arab tu. Arab tu pun memula macam stunned gitu. Tapi since aku dah mintak maaf dia terus "You cannot see?"
Lepas aku dah tenang sket, aku terpikir. Reverse sensor aku tak detect pape pun. Tetiba je bunyi kuat. And Arab tu pun kalau nampak aku keep on reversing nape tak hon kan.. Pastu aku terpikir, probably Arah tu datang dengan laju and tak perasan aku tgh reverse lalu menghentam kete aku. Denggg!!
Malangnya, dia Arab. And kete dia hanya ada third party insurance. So memang dia akan mati matian salahkan aku la..
Skang ni, aku tak tau aku kena saman ke tak. Polis cuma bagi aku sekeping kertas and kata "Give this to your car rental". Bila aku tanya " Do I have to pay?" dia just balas "Give to your car rental". Apakah?????
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Bontot Winey Calar.... |
Party Party
Kay buat makan makan kat umah dia. Yang sedihnya, takde sapa tau kenapa. Bila g umah dia, ada byk kek org bawak. Dia cuma kata "Esok b'day Nadia". So kitorg pun sibuk2 amik gmbr kek and wassap kat Nadia. Siap nyanyi lagu Hepi Beday, amik video, and post kat Nadia. Dah habis makan tapau siap, Marina post kat FB. Rupanya hari Kay buat makan makan tu ialah BIRTHDAY DIA!!!!!!!!!! Alamak!!!!! Siannya dia.. Kita sibukkan birthday org yang jauh dari mata. Tapi tak perasan birthday tuan rumah.....
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Nasi Tomato, Soto, Roti Jala |
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Laki bini berusaha |
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Cheesecake Madam Marina |
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Azizah pun bawak Royal Cake gak |
Office baru!
Saya tak tukar keje. Belum lagi..hehhee.. cuma tukar ofis je.. Location nya tak jauh dari ofis lama. Maknanya tak jauh jugak dari rumah aku ni ha.. Kalau drive, 5 minit sampai la. Itu pun sebab traffic light yg tak berapa nak bijak tu. Kalau nasib baik dapat sume traffic light ijau, 3 minit dh leh sampai dah.
I'm very excited about the new office. I got my permanent workstation. Complete pantry with GE fridge, microwave, coffee machine, water filter, etc. Lots and lots and lots of parking (for now). Big surau lengkap dgn tempat wuduk and cermin yg besar utk reapply make up. Happy faces!!! Tapi kat situ takde restoren lagi except for Jones The Grocer yang boleh mengopakkan purseku kalau dimakan setiap hari. Tapi since pantry ni cantik, semangat la makcik bawak bekal hari2....
My Office at night |
Owh.... saya lupa nak bagitau satu berita penting... Sheikh Khalifa decided to change the name of the island from Sowwah Island to Maryah Island in order to blend the authenticity and modernity of the island.. Wakakakkakka... Ini pulau... saya yang punya!!!
View from our window. Nice one. Blue water. Tenang giller...
That's my workstation. In between Hema and Shinhab. In front of Imran who sits in between Ejaz n Mubashir. Ini workstation sebelum aku arrange it to be more comfy. Skang dah jadi sangat cosy..
Satu benda pelik kat ofis baru ni. Ada satu bilik dipanggil phone booth. Dalam tu ada sofa, phone, and LAN port. Lampu dia boleh dim. Kalau tutup pintu bilik ni jadi kalis bunyi. Perfect for a quick nap!
Toilet pun sophisticated ok.. Takde la aku nak ambik nmbr utk kencing lagi lepas ni...
Meeting room paling canggih pernah aku tgk. Controlled by an Ipad. Nak book meeting room pun kat panel kat luar tu. Just put in the date and time, then swipe ID, siap. Nak control curtain, projector, video conf, conf call bagai sume pakai Ipad. Gillerr arrr...
Coffee Machine, fridge and microwave. Lawa arrangement dia. Macam kat umah dah ha...
Ni pantry kat floor kitorg. Ada lagi satu pantry kat tingkat 29. Ni pantry umum for the whole building. Kalau agak2 nak jumpa mamat2 lain boleh la take lunch kat atas tu. huhu...
Pape pun, I'm happy. Hope yang lelain pun happy gak!
Esok boleh?
Saya dh lama x menulis. Saya nak tulis. Tapi saya terlalu mengantuk. Tulis esok boleh?
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