I Saman You!

Wah.. dah macam Kak Ogy plak ekk...
Sambungan dari Kisah Winey Kena Cium sebenarnye ni...
Ari Ahad aku g ofis. Jinjing la kertas putih yang polis tu bagi. Tunjuk kat kollig aku. Dia tanya aku "What happened? Why did you hit other people's car?"
Rerupanya kat kertas tu mmg ada tulis bahawasanya aku adalah 'Mutassabbib' yang bermaksud penyebab. Dalam kes ini aku la penyebab berlakunya eksiden itu.
Ha.. tu la... dulu mak anto g skolah agama ko memain.. Skang dah menganga...
Kollig aku ni pun tepon la polis. Tanya apa kehal ni kan...
Polis kata dtg balai. Eceeewaahhh... Kali ni aku learn the lesson. So aku g dgn kolig aku.
Polis kat balai tu kata "Doesn't matter if the other guy drive in 3000kmh and hit u from the back, as long as you reverse your car, you are the mutassabbib. Even if you have been very careful looking all around you, and Allah decide for you not to see the car, it's still your fault because you were reversing the car"
Makanya... sila la bayar saman nan 300AED tu...

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