Remember the
episode 1 from the previous blog? It was the internal open house in the office.
Now is the story of episode 2 plak. Open house meant for our customers join venture with Energy group. Was held back home in KLCC. Nice scenary..
The committee (or was it the KLCC management team) did a very good job with the deco. I love the stage and the entrance. Not to forget the hanging giant ketupat. They made a nice settings on the food also.
The door gift pun quite nice. Home made chocolate. Ada mint, caramel, plain and another one tak ingat pedia.
The story started 2-3 days before the actual event. The committee was trying to think of some performance that the customer would enjoy. And he actually came up with ideas and one of it was for us to sing raya song!!!
I don't mind coz I've performed once during GEWN Summit and it went well. But I will definitely not going to do it alone in front of the customers. NO WAY!!!
He managed to get Mie in action by 'bribing' us with a trip to the 'kotak merah'. So we chose a few songs including some songs as back up. And I was to sing a duet with Mie. The music? LIVE BAND! We actually met the band just one hour before the event started and quickly practice a few rounds. Lepas tu tawakal je la.. dah pesan sesiap kat brader tu, 'kitorg ni amatur. ni la baru first time perform ngan band. slalu karaoke syok sendiri je bang...' abang tu pun 'takdehal.. pape nanti abang cover baik punya'. hhaha..
1st song by KK "Menjelang Hari Raya"
First song "Warna Warni Aidilfitri" |
Final song "Joget Toleh Menoleh" |
Our theme that night was
BLUE. But only for O&G je la. Energy has colour of rojak. Takde theme la basically. O&G kan poyo.. hehe..
This has definitely been one of the moments that i would treasure for sure. I wanted to do this. And Mie actually gave in and did it with me. I can't believe that he would sing and dance in front of hundreds of customers who had known us only in meeting rooms. Also in front of Energy's customers who were and still are our friends back then in TNB. Thanks for that..