
Yesterday I went to my very first Pilates Class. Yup. FIRST. Sebelum ni tak pernah buat Pilates. Yoga slalu la. And dulu slalu ingat Yoga and Pilates ni sama. So dengan konfiden nya join la Pilates class ni kat gym. Baru la makcik tau betapa bezanya Pilates and Yoga ni.

The obvious difference is that Yoga is more relaxing than Pilates coz Yoga concentrate on breathing, mind and spirit while Pilates concentrated on strengthening your muscle, control and concentration. There similarities on the poses but Pilates uses the muscle more.Yoga will 'ask' you to maintain a pose for a certain amount of time while in Pilates you need to do a lot of repetition on a certain pose. 

Results? Sakit gila muscle2 aku ok... Ari ni kat ofis dok tegak je. Tapi I want to try to keep going to the class. Mana la tau boleh dapat body cam gini ke...


  1. dua2 x pernah buat hehee..aerobik je pernah =p

  2. Try la.. mana tau ada yg sesuai kann.. Aku prefer body combat anyway...
