Kicking in Action

Lama gila tak buat kickboxing ni. Used to be my favorite class in the gym. Lebih setahun jugak la tak buat. Since Ijoined Fitness First kat sini tahun ni, ada la peluang nk join the classes. Today I attended my first Kick Boxing a.k.a Body Combat class for the year (2 years kottt) despite the smug looks I got for leaving the office early.

Why I love Body Combat so much? Coz it's a fun way of exercising. U got to punch, kick, release all those stress and anger u had in u while still losing weight. Best kan? Last time I still remember when I went for my session with Bobo, he will ask me if I want to do BC when my face are all gloomy and moody. Of course I would say yes. And him being a master in martial art would quickly change up and put on the smelly glove ready to let me box him. Miss him already..

Here, the class is handled by a lady since it's a Ladies Only Fitness First (cool kan?) I was quite afraid that I won't be able to keep up with the moves as I didn't do it for more than a year. But apparently they still use the same songs.. same moves... same push up/abs exercise. I realize only one add up, which is the Pirates moves with the imaginary sword and stuff. I like it anyway...

I hope I will be able to attend the class again next week. And no more crisis at work. <= I left the office today with an unsettled task and when I go online (which is now) that guy put up a status saying his 'busy'.

p/s: the video is not what happened my class. But the moves are the same. minus the pirates of course...

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